The Platform Of Extratonality invites you to a two-day celebration of graphic music. On Saturday, March 15, we explore the interaction between illustration and music at Roodkapje.
read moreThe Platform Of Extratonality invites you to a two-day celebration of illustrative music. On Friday, March 14, we organize an evening with three lectures/performances on graphic notation at Varia.
read moreThe end of the year arrives soon, but the end of extratonality is nowhere in sight. To celebrate another year full of extratonal milestones we once again organize a celebratory cabaret with a fine selection of extratonal artists!
read moreJoin us for a new episode in the extratonal infrastructure series - the extra in Rotterdam's cultural life. Be on time and it is fine!
read moreNovember is home to multiple interventions by The Platform For Extratonality. During this intermediate music event we welcome QOA and Primeiro, two artists with a tendency to enthrall through elemental improvisations.
read moreWe are moved to invite you to our 3rd Extratonal Special: sound is political. For this edition we ask you to be present with your political ears, to feel with us what it means to have a voice that is (not) heard, to notice which voices are not present in the room, to desire together social transformations, to listen to less heard histories, to pinch our autonomous bubbles, to be touched by sound waves and connect with them consciously.
read moreEvery month, The Platform for Extratonality gives the latest musical tendencies a stage at Varia. For October we have invited three groups that will challenge your dreary mindset. With the help of sunny improvisations, they are bound to disperse the autumn clouds for a while!
read moreExtratonal Infrastructure is back for a second batch of irregular musical performances in the heart of the south of Rotterdam. Join us on the 4th of September for a dizzying array of notes, pauses and passes as we once again welcome the latest extratonal tendencies to varia.
read moreJoin us for a celebration moment of our extratonal resident Ål Nik’ end of art residency! She will share her sonic experiments and creations from the last 3 weeks.
read moreThe 13th edition of Extratonal Infrastructure will focus on the concept of exaltation. In our understanding music can be a means to elevate spirits to a higher level. In May, the platform for extratonality invites a number of artists to varia who have dedicated themself to this cause through dynamic rhythms, decontextualized juxtapositions, spontaious improvisation and unified chaos.
read morePrinters are one of the biggest frustrations that modern technology has brought us. During the second Extratonal Special event, the platform for extratonality turns these frustrations upside down. Together we explore the hedonic performative aspect of exceptional printers.
read moreAccording to the meteorological calendar, March is the first month of the year. However, for extratonality there is no beginning or end. Like an Ouroboros, our efforts consume themselves, only to breathe new life into our expressions. This infinite alchemical cycle is present everywhere in the work of the artists we have invited for the 12th edition of Extratonal Infrastructure. Join them on their travels on the cosmic roundabout!
read moreThis workshop deals with the discarded electrical junk of the residents of Oud Charlois. Together we will search through the garbage on the streets to filter out the electronic waste!
read moreEvery 2 months, under the name 'extratonal special' the platform for extratonality will invite artists and thinkers to investigate particular extratonal themes and subjects in and around Varia. Our first special programme is dedicated to the (dis-)harmonics of waste. Discover your inner trash!
read moreWith renewed vigor, Extratonal Infrastructure returns with a fresh program for 2024 that continues to stretch musical paradigms. During our first event of 2024 we won't reveal all of our plans just yet, but rest assured: we will demonstrate the latest extratonal trends. Whether that happens with clarinet, drums, saxophone or rain, beautiful things await us!
read moreExtratonality comes with many milestones. To celebrate one full year of extratonality at Varia, we're organizing a celibratory cabaret on the 14th of December. During this event we're going to look back at the many highlights of our programme this year and lay out our plans for 2024. There will be food, extratonal cake and short performances by several members of the extratonal community.
read more'Extravagant', 'extragalactic', 'extralogical' or 'extratonal'; by adding the prefix 'extra' we indicate something 'non-ordinary'. Get ready for another exceptional evening in Rotterdam Charlois with performances that go beyond our common understanding!
read moreThe question of extronality concerns not only 'how', but also 'where'. With both eyes open, this extratonal event will focus on acoustic tools to locate sonic oddities and performative gestures, from endoscope cameras to satellite receivers.
read moreDuring the second edition of the Extratonal Education workshop series, we explore the world of electromagnetic waves and their ubiquity in our lives, together with Mathias Hurtl (MTHS). After being introduced to special hardware and Software Defined Radio, participants will acquire radio signals from different frequency bands. The workshop is free; afterwards there is a vegan dinner.
read moreExtratonal Infrastructure is back from the holidays. With a freshly charged battery, we continue the second half of our extratonal program of 2023. This time our event is dedicated to the New Dutch Naïvity, which means Dutch-language pop music for a new era!
read moreExtratonality is a vocation. As such, it requires a voice. This is why Extratonal Infrastructure invited several experimental vocalists to look into the many afforandances of the vocal cords. Join us for our final event before the summer break!
read moreExtratonality not only transcends disciplines, but also understanding. The May edition of Extratonal Infrastructure is dedicated to the unknown and the elusive. With a program consisting of Colombian Cumbia and cutting edge experimentation this edition will prove to be another step towards extratonal synergy.
read moreIn the first edition of the Extratonal Education workshop series Kauê Werner will give an introduction to sound synthesis with the programming language SuperCollider. No previous knowledge is necessary! Just show up with a laptop & headphones and have fun. The workshop is free and after the workshop there will be a free vegan dinner.
read moreIn our imagination everything appears different than it really is! This premise is a fundamental part of an extratonal understanding. In april extratonal infrastructure will once again invite exceptional artists to Varia in order to approach the concept of extratonality from even more unexpected angles than before. Put on your work and dancing shoes for an evening beyond your wildest imagination!
read moreExtratonality comes in many consistencies; some clear and fresh as a bottle of spring water, others hazy and thick as mud. The third edition of Extratonal Infrastructure is dedicated to these parameters, with performances by Mik Quantius, Parasnol and Ruisvogel. Everyone is welcome!
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