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  • This workshop will begin with a presentation by Naima Cornelia on the methods behind the story, what questions to ask, where to find those answers, and how. and then a hands-on session where we will discuss different ways to tackle a research question. We start by seeing what information we can find online, try some google-search techniques, see what we can dig up and go from there.

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    If in the light of recent events, you've been curious to look into alternative social media that doesn't run on an ad-based model, or is a big-tech owned walled garden, or if you are curious to meet other people who have accounts on the fediverse and beyond, please feel welcome to join us on the 7th of February where we'll explore some alternatives to dominant social media and get started sharing in a more convivial manner.

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    Dear CSS writers, web-artisans and declarative artists, Declarations is organising its first meetup at Varia in Rotterdam. Declarations is an ongoing artistic research project into the poetic materiality of the CSS web-standard and its echoes on design and artistic practices. For that occasion we decided to focus two days on CSS inside emails.

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    We want Varia to be used by people who live in the neighbourhood. Is it already happening but we've never met you all together, we'd love to have a moment to formalise how this can work for everyone. With conversation and food we want to set up ways to organise and coordinate the access for Varia. How can we help each other across our extended solidarity networks? What are our responsibilities to one another and how can we communicate clearly? This is a gathering to share our expectations and needs for this space that we (can) all use.

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    In continuation of the Miscalculating Risk: Policing Technologies event, in this session we will start a collective research thread around supermarket surveillance technologies together with Sanne Stevens. During this session, we want to explore all these sides of AI shoplifting technologies; the promises, the drivers and motivations and ideological assumptions behind the technology, but also how it works out in practice, who is impacted and in what ways.

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    What is the role of the vernacular in sound knowledge and modes of organisation? Knowledge and information organisation are deeply powerful acts, which relate to how we envision the world. This event further develops an ongoing thread about the ways the vernacular (re)orients language and technology and generates other forms of knowledge sharing and organising. Khamoosh is a participatory artistic research project that mediates conservation and restoration by exploring the sonic heritage of Iran through recorded sounds of everyday life; sounds less heard or even silenced. Golnoosh and Maryam, two members of Khamoosh, will begin by presenting how Khamoosh as a process-based project operates, and share insights to their own roles within the Khamoosh community.

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    The first Calm Coding session in November will be dedicated to poetic gestures in computing which have the potential to reconfigure these controlled operational spaces. Through conversation and experiments, this session will softly start a research thread around this topic, for which we welcome you to bring ideas and experiments of what poetic computing could mean, what it could do and undo.

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